School Integrity Clubs: A Weapon against Unethical Conduct
17:09:2019: The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has launched an Integrity Club at Ndome Primary School in Taita
Taveta County during a week-long school outreach programme aimed at preventing corruption through public education and sensitising learners and teachers on matters anti-corruption, ethics and integrity.
Other institutions lined up for the exercise are Voi Boys High School, Mwakitawa Girls High School, Chala Secondary School, Ngutini Secondary, Maluki Loriti Primary, Taveta Primary School, St. James Primary School, Mwakiwiwi Girls School, Mariwenyi Primary School, Kighononyi Primary School, John Mark Mwanjumwa School, Murray Girls and Wusi Primary School.

The Commission is steering the establishment and operationalisation of the clubs in schools in recognition of the youth’s contribution to the fight against corruption and unethical conduct in institutions of learning. The programme hopes to:
- nurture appropriate values and positive attributes among the learners;
- enhance learners’ knowledge of ethics and integrity, thus promoting ethical behaviour in institutions of learning;
- empower learners to advocate good governance as a means of combating corruption;
- rekindle in the learners the spirit of patriotism;
- promote a culture of hard work with integrity, enhance responsible citizenship, and promote intolerance to corruption and unethical conduct.
Speaking during the launch, EACC Commissioner Rose Mghoi encouraged leaners to identify themselves with morally upright people and shun those of questionable behaviour even if they are student leaders. She emphasised that character counts and informed learners that the traits that they acquire while in school will determine the extent
to which they will achieve their goals in future.
Commissioner Mghoi assured the public of the enhanced efforts and collaboration among public institutions to bring to book corruption perpetrators, noting that the attainment of the national goals was dependent on sound management of national resources. She called on all public officers to uphold public interest and commit themselves to selfless service delivery.

She pointed out that the war against corruption requires the collective efforts of all sectors, leaders, public officers, and the general public, including students. “The youth, as we know, are creative, talented, energetic and agile and can utilize their abilities to drive positive societal change,” she added.
While unveiling the plaque to launch the club, Commissioner Mghoi assured the students of the Commission’s commitment and support of the club to ensure its growth and sustainability, noting that it will provide a good environment for sharing and learning as well as solving ethical dilemmas facing learners. She encouraged the students to join, support the club and become ambassadors of integrity in the school.
Integrity Clubs are expected to change attitudes among youth and generational write my paper transformation in Kenya, leading to reduced incidents of corruption, increased number of youths actively participating in decision-making, governance and anti-corruption processes, improved access to critical public services, and an increase in the number of youth taking up positions of leadership.
The launch was attended by, among other guests, Taita Taveta County CEC Education, Deputy County Commissioner-Taita Taveta County, and the County Director of Education.
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