Bungoma is EACC’s First Stop as It Rolls Out Anti-Graft Training
The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission is taking the fight a notch higher by training Community-Based Anti-Corruption Monitors (CBAM’s). Its first stop was Bungoma County where representatives from all the sub-counties participated in a weeklong training — from 15th to 18th January 2019 — at Mabanga Agricultural Training Centre.
The training was officially opened by EACC’s Kisumu Regional Deputy Head, Mr. Aura Chibole, on behalf of the Regional Manager. He thanked the participants for agreeing to participate so that they could serve as anti-corruption ambassadors within the county.

He pledged the Commission’s support and urged the monitors to be vigilant within their sub-counties to ensure that all county projects were executed according to the letter of the law. Mr Chibole went on to urge them to mobilize the locals and conduct civic education to ensure public participation in the war against Corruption.
“The public,” he said, “cannot be ignored and as such the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) Article 13 (1) encourages citizen participation in the fight against graft as does the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC).”

Mr. Chibole was accompanied by the Bungoma Office’s Deputy Regional Head, and other EACC Officers, who played a pivotal role in facilitating the training.

The group of 50 is among the first beneficiary of the training in the country. The Commission has lined up similar trainings for all the country’s 47 counties as it pursues its mandate to prevent and root out corruption.

The County government pledged to support the Commission and the CBAM’s in fighting corruption.

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