Commission Builds Capacity of Integrity Assurance Officers
The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has concluded a training programme for Integrity Assurance Officers in Nakuru County. The training is just one of a number the Commission has planned to ensure that all ministries, departments and government agencies have officers capable of helping identify corruption loopholes and devising ways of sealing them as a preventive measure in the fight against graft.
The weeklong training – 28th January to 1st February — involved 38 officers drawn from the Agricultural Development Corporation, Tourism Regulatory Authority, South Eastern Kenya University, Keroka Technical Training Institute, National Cereals and Produce Board(NCPB), Machakos University, Export Promotion Council, NACADA, Kenya Law, Konza Technopolis Authority and Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration.

Speaking during the official opening at ARC Hotel Egerton University, Njoro, the Commission’s Nakuru Office Deputy Regional Head, Ms. Christine Natome, lauded the officers’ participation as “a clear indication of their determination to work with the Commission to fight corruption and unethical conduct”. She urged them to remain vigilant as corruption and unethical conduct remain a big challenge while at the same time posing a huge threat to the realization of Kenya’s Vision 2030.

She emphasized the need to ensure quality public service, noting that the Commission conducts baseline surveys to flag problem institutions. In line with its mandate, Ms. Natome said the Commission would continue to conduct public education and awareness for public and State officers across the country. In the meantime, it would use ongoing systems reviews to advise on how to promote standards and best practices as it seeks to establish, maintain and strengthen strategic partnerships and coalitions in the fight against corruption.

The integrity programme is an EACC initiative that has been running for years. Its overall objective is to equip public officers and other stakeholders with relevant knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that can deepen good governance and corruption intolerance in institutions.
Trained Integrity Assurance Officers play an instrumental role in implementing Corruption Prevention Plans and institutionalizing corruption prevention. The nomination and training of the officers is also anchored in the Performance Contracting Framework, which is an integral part of the ongoing public sector reforms intended to combat corruption and restore integrity in public sector.
The program was facilitated by the Education Training and Public Awareness (ETPA) department and supported by the Nakuru Regional Office.

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