MOU Puts Saccos Corruption Cartels on Notice

25 March 2019: An MoU signed yesterday signals a rough time ahead for corruption cartels in the co-operative sector. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Corruption Commission and the sector provided the perfect platform for the CEO, Mr Twalib Mbarak, to warn the cartels to reform or else the Commission would initiate “lifestyle audits of all the personnel charged with the running of Saccos to catch those who have accumulated unexplained wealth”.

The signing, witnessed by various players in the sector, was officiated by the Principal Secretary, who signed on behalf of the State Department for Co-operatives under the Ministry of Industry Trade and Co-operatives.

EACC CEO Twalib Mbarak (left) and the PS state Department of Co-operatives, Mr Ali Ismail (right), display the signed MoU as witnessed by the EACC Chairman (centre).

The Ethics Commission for Co-operatives Societies initiated the cooperation to streamline ethics and integrity due to the many challenges in the sector. The MoU aims to strengthen and operationalize a co-operation framework between the parties in the following areas:

  • Combating and preventing corruption, economic crime and unethical practices;
  • Promoting ethics and integrity through the enforcement of the Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities and Code of Conduct for State and Public Officers;
  • Creating a mutually beneficial relationship that will assist in the prevention of corruption, economic crime and unethical conduct.

In his keynote address, EACC Chair retired Archbishop Eliud  Wabukala called for integrity in the sector while at the same time applauding its contribution to Kenya’s economic development. He thanked the leadership of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Co-operatives for its effort and co-operation towards the development of the MoU, which he welcomed as a demonstration of its desire to rid the cooperative sector of corruption for value addition towards members’ investments.

EACC Chairman Rtd Archbishop Eliud Wabukala makes his remarks during the signing ceremony held at Sarova Panafric, Nairobi.

The PS, State Department of Co-operatives, Mr. Ali Ismail, called for co-operation from all the stakeholders in the sector to support the MoU and ensure its full implementation. He highlighted the gains made by the sector, noting its contribution to the GDP of the Kenyan economy.

The PS, State Department of Co-operatives, Mr. Ali Ismail, at the MoU signing ceremony.


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