National Integrity Academy

The establishment of the National Integrity Academy by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) stems from Commission’s mandate to combat and prevent corruption, economic crime and unethical practices as stipulated in Sections 11 and 13 of the EACC Act, 2011. In addition, Section 53 of the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012 provides for the provision of long-term education and training on leadership and integrity to: all public officers, all levels of the education system and the public. Furthermore, Section 11(i) of the EACC Act, 2011 mandates the EACC to raise public awareness on ethical issues and educate the public on the dangers of corruption.
In 2016, the EACC conducted a countrywide Training Needs Assessment (TNA), which revealed that the National and County governments needed specialized anti-corruption and ethics capacity building for purposes of entrenching good governance; mainstreaming anti-corruption and integrity; and sealing corruption loopholes at the institutional level. Therefore, the National Integrity Academy seeks to fulfil these needs in view of the dynamic nature of knowledge evolution in the area of ethics, governance and anti-corruption. The Academy will seek to meet the prevailing needs in the region as well. It is envisioned that through the Academy, there will be mindset and culture change.
- Purpose of establishing the Academy:
The Academy is set to provide specialized ethics, integrity, Leadership, Good Governance and Anti- Corruption training to both the public and private sector institutions in the country and the region.
- The overall goal is to entrench a culture of integrity and create an ethical and value-driven society that upholds integrity and rule of law by influencing mind-sets, attitudes and behaviour of the Kenyan and regional citizens.

Target Audience
The Academy offers services to internal and external Clients. The Academy serves six main target groups:
- Commission Officers and Staff – The Academy will be responsible of providing adequate training of all EACC officers and staff aimed at improving their abilities in executing their duties with efficiency and professionalism.
- Government officials (Public Officers) in the area of ethics, governance and anti-corruption.
- Learning and training institutions –public and private
- Private Sector Organizations or corporate bodies
- Civil Society Sector professionals and Professionals bodies
- International participants/institutions in the region dealing with anti-corruption and Enforcement Agencies
The Academy aims to empower state and non-state actors on matters ethics and integrity in order to:
- improve institutional governance for transparency and accountability;
- enhance efficiency in service delivery in the public and private sector;
- reduce the incidence of corruption and unethical conduct;
- improve institutional governance for transparency and accountability;
- re-engineering values for a transformed society
- enhance efficiency in service delivery in the public and private sector; and
- create and maintain partnerships in the fight against corruption and unethical conduct.
Partnerships and collaborations:
The establishment of the National Integrity Academy is premised on best practice and standards. For this reason, the National Integrity Academy team visited some key institutions locally and internationally to seek collaboration, partnership, and embrace best international practice.
In September 2018, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) embarked on an experiential learning visit of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Hong Kong, a model on best practices for the National Integrity Academy. The nine-member delegation was led by Commissioners Sophia Lepuchirit (Vice-Chaiperson), Commissioner Mwaniki Gachoka and former Secretary/CEO Mr. Halakhe Waqo. So far, the Academy has collaborated with the County Governments through the sponsorship of their participants, the UNODC, the GIZ and other government parastatals, departments and Universities. The Academy strives to cultivate homegrown solutions specific to the unique needs of the operating environment.

The team visited the Center for Anti-Corruption Studies and International Training (CACSIT) that was established under ICAC in 2009 as a research center. The Commission identified the CACSIT for the benchmarking visit because the Centre provides training for internal staff and other Anti-Corruption Agencies (ACAs) in the region. It also helps in designing training schemes and processes for other ACAs after undertaking Training Needs Assessments (TNAs) and helps to build capacity of other ACAs upon request.

Courses offered at the Academy
The National Integrity Academy offers cutting-edge and specialized courses on ethics, integrity and anti-corruption as relates to many professional and functional areas of organizations. The courses are designed to respond to the ever-changing anti-corruption and ethics environment and client needs. The courses are intended to acquaint participants with the negative impact of corruption on the people and the nation and its cost to the society, the anti-corruption legal framework that criminalize bribery and corruption, how to help recognize and mitigate associated risks and how to promote personal, professional and organizational integrity.
The courses offered at the Academy seek to ensure that ethics and integrity become values lived by everyone within an organization; that service delivery is optimal and that employees offer professional service upholding public trust and that the principle of common good vis a vis private interest or advantage is upheld. The courses offered have adopted a Competency Based Approach.
The uniqueness about the Academy programmes is that participants have the opportunity to interact and learn from renowned anti-corruption, ethics and governance experts and practitioners drawn from the country, region and across the globe. The programmes allow participants to enrich their knowledge through group work, best practice, case studies, problem solving, critical thinking and interactive exercises and excursions.
Some of the courses offered by the National Integrity Academy include:
- Leadership and Integrity for Executive Manager;
- Ccorruption Prevention in Supply Chain Management,
- Corruption Prevention in Public Sector Financial Management;
- Investigation Course for Law Enforcement Officers
- Ethics and Integrity Course for Education Managers,
- Integrity Assurance Officers Programme,
- Certified Ethics Officers Course among others.
The Academy offers tailor made courses. The Academy also plans to launch academic programmes on Ethics and Anti-corruption at Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Post- graduate level at an appropriate time.
Course Duration: The Courses runs for 1 to 2 weeks.
Methodology: The Academy employs a blended approach to teaching and learning.
Curriculum Validation Workshop- 2 October 2018
The Constitution of Kenya provides for public participation in public projects. In respect to this Constitutional requirement, the Academy Team organized for the validation of the Academy Curriculum on 2 October, 2018 at the Kenya Leadership Integrity Offices, Nairobi Business Park. Senior government officials and representatives from the private sector and religious organizations graced the Validation workshop. The Attorney General- chair of the Kenya Leadership Integrity Forum was the Chief Guest. The Solicitor General represented him.
The purpose of the validation workshop was to:
- Inform the stakeholders about the establishment of the National Integrity Academy (NIAca) as the training center on ethics, integrity and anti-Corruption
- Bring members on board – in line with the public participation and engagement as is required by the Constitution
- Share with the members the objectives of setting up the Academy and the expected benefits – ( ownership)
- Present the curricula that has been developed and seek members input
- Examine and validate the curricula developed in line with the mandate of the Commission
- Adoption of the courses and curricula

In his remarks, the Chairman commended the National Integrity Academy (NIAca) for organizing the workshop and re-emphasized on the role of training in informing, educating and changing mindsets. He expressed his optimism that the Academy would create an ethical and value-driven society that upholds integrity and rule of law.
Leadership and Integrity Course for Executives
The National Integrity Academy (NIAca) organized its inaugural training programme on Leadership and Integrity for Executives for the EACC Commissioners, Executive Management and Senior Managers from 3rd – 9th March, 2019 in Naivasha. A total of 26 participants were trained.
About the Course
The Leadership and Integrity Course for Executives is one of the eight courses offered at the Academy. This Course covers the competencies required to provide ethical leadership. The key learning outcomes for this course include discourse on the fundamentals of leadership- leadership concepts, styles and theories; complying with Leadership and Integrity Laws, self- leadership, identifying and resolving organizational ethical challenges and dilemmas and the prevention of corrupt practices.The course can be tailor-made to suit the diverse needs of the participants and nominating organizations. The course is facilitated by highly trained and experienced resource persons who offer first-hand knowledge and experience in the delivery of the course. The Course lasts for one week. The course received great support from previous Anti-Corruption Directors, senior government officials , consultants and Non-Government Agencies.
2nd Leadership and Integrity Course
The Academy organized the second Leadership and Integrity Course for Executive from 28th October to 1st November, 2019 in Naivasha. The course participants were EACC Regional Managers and Deputy Directors, Senior officers from the Judiciary, Office of Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigation. A total of thirty (30) participants attended.
Training top leadership on issues of integrity and anti-corruption is critical because of their position and ability to influence. Thus, the Leadership and Integrity Course for Executives aims at improving participants moral reasoning, moral actions, decision making, and making moral judgements. It also aims at changing of attitudes and transforming of organizational culture. Culture has a role to play in the fight against corruption. A leader plays a major role in creating a positive organizational culture.

In her address, Madam Muthoni Kimani noted that corruption is the lubricant that makes crime thrive while modern technologies exacerbate, amplify and increase the sophistication with which these crimes are committed. It’s paramount that all agencies adopt modern approaches to addressing corruption. To effectively combat corruption and transnational organized crime, the enforcement agencies have collaborated and developed strong networks under the Multi-Agency Team. These agencies further adopt modern ICT to fight crime.

The participants had very vigorous discussions on the following areas:
- Beyond Intelligence: The Simple Practice of Staying Relevant
- Effective Anti-Corruption Strategies; Intelligence Led Investigation
- A scrutiny of Kenya’s Anti-Corruption Legal Framework
- Emerging Jurisprudence in the Fight against Corruption in Kenya
- The DCI approach to Investigation
- Mandate of Office of Director of Public Prosecution
- Role and Functions of the Risk and Audit Committee
- Managing Self and Others in High Pressure Jobs; Stress Management
- Building a Culture of Integrity in Kenya’s Public Service; Experiential Sharing
- Managing Transitions in Anti-Corruption Agencies in Kenya
- Communicating Organization Vision and Purpose and
- Building Cohesive Teams for High Productivity and Engagement
- Enhancing Transparency and Accountability; A Case of IFMIS and E-Procurement in Government Expenditure
- Emotional Intelligence: A pre-requisite for Leadership Success
The course facilitators included:
- Dr. Wale Akinyemi- Motivational Speaker
- Dr. Edward Hosea- Former Head of Tanzania Anti-Corruption Agency
- Prof. PLO Lumumba- Former Director of Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission
- Mr. Jackson Mue- Ag. Director of Field Services of EACC
- Mr. Carey Nyawinda- Deputy Director DCI
- Amb. Dr. Francis Muthaura- Former Head of Public Service and Current Chair of Kenya Revenue Authority
- Hon. Douglas Ogoti- Chief Magistrate of Anti-Corruption Court
- Prof. Ludeki Chweya- Director General, Kenya School of Government
- Ms. Jemimah Aluda- Office of Director of Public Prosecution
- Justice Aron Ringera- Former Director of Kenya Anti-Corruption
- Commission and currently Judge of East Africa Court of Justice
- Cosmas Gatere- Consultant
- Maringa A. Muchiri- National Treasury
- Raphael Lekool- Chairman Risk and Audit Committee of EACC
- Dr. Purity K. Gitonga – Head National Integrity Academy-
Staff Induction, August 2019
The National Integrity Academy is mandated to carry out internal and external training on Integrity, Ethics and Good Governance. The internal training targets the Commission staff as part of internal capacity building in order to improve service delivery and build its corporate image. The Academy inducted 37 newly recruited staff of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development in August, 2019.
The EACC Secretary/Chief Executive Officer- Twalib Mbarak, CBS speaking to EACC staff during their induction. In his address, he spelt the values and conduct the Commission expects of the new officers. He noted that combating corruption and unethical conduct is not an easy task; it takes focus, commitment and self-sacrifice. Commission officers themselves must exemplify integrity.

Training of Integrity Assurance Officers (IAOs)
The UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) requires that the State Parties “promote education and training programmes to enable public officials to meet the requirements for the correct, honorable and proper performance of public functions.” It is thus paramount to provide public officers with specialized ethics, integrity and anticorruption training for an efficient public service in order to enhance the economic growth and prosperity of our nation.
In efforts to address the challenge of corruption and unethical practices in public service, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption has adopted diverse strategies. Some of which include, the training of Integrity Assurance Officers (IAOs) and the setting up of Corruption Prevention Committees (CPC). The National Integrity Academy trains Integrity Assurance officers (IAO) from various public sector institutions to strengthen their capacity to prevent and combat corruption in their institutions.
The Commission recognizes that the fight against corruption is a responsibility of all Kenyans requiring collaboration and partnership and a multifaceted approach. Various stakeholders must play their role for the fight against corruption to succeed.
The training of IAOs aims at building the ethical capacity of public institutions to prevent corruption, develop institutional anti-corruption policy documents, establish internal corruption reporting mechanisms, evaluate internal implementation of anti-corruption initiatives and establish internal and external linkages on corruption prevention. The overall aim is to strengthen accountability mechanisms.
The Academy had trained over 300 participants as IAOs during the 2019/2020 financial year. The participants were drawn from mainstream Public Institutions, Parastatals, Independent Commissions, Academic Institutions and County Governments. The following were some of the institutions that participated in the Integrity Assurance Officers Training Programme. These include:- Marsabit County, Elgeyo Marakwet County(Sponsored by GIZ), Kenya Ports Authority, Nairobi water and sewerage company, Jaramogi Ogonga Odinga University, County Government of Siaya, County Assembly of Siaya,, and Masinde Muliro University, The National Police Service, The Presidency, The Kisumu Polytechnic, Kisii National Polytechnic and Siaya Institute of Technology, Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency among others.

Some of the Institutions undertaken through the IAO Programmes
SNO | Institution | Date | Venue | No. of officers trained |
1. | The National Police Service | 5th – 9th August, 2019 | Machakos University Hotel | 21 officers |
2. | JOOUST and MMUST | JOOUST -Bondo | 45 Officers | |
3. | The Presidency | 12th – 15th August, 2019 | Arc Hotel Egerton University Nakuru | 22 Officers |
4. | Combined IAOs for County Government of Siaya, County Assembly of Siaya, The Kisumu Polytechnic, Kisii National Polytechnic and Siaya Institute of Technology | 23th – 27th September, 2019 | Kisumu Polytechnic | 47 officers |
5. | The State of Correctional Service | 14th – 18th October, 2019 | Ole- ken hotel in Nakuru | 67 Officers |
6. | Combined IAOS training | 11th – 15th November 2019 | Arc Hotel Egerton University Nakuru | 40 Public Officers |
7. | KENHA officers | 25-27th November 2019; | Lake Naivasha Resort in Naivasha | 15 Officers |
8. | Marsabit County Officials were trained as IAOs (Sponsored by GIZ) | 18th – 22nd November 2019 | Jirime Hotel in Marsbait | 35 officers |
9. | Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) | 2nd – 6th December 2019; | Pride Inn Beach hotel | 70 officers |
10. | Jaramogi Odinga and Masinde Muliro University | 2nr -8th June 2019 | JOOST | 33 Senior lectures and admninstrators |
11. | Kenya Maritime Authority | 28th – 30th May 2019 | Nyali SunAfrica | 12 Board Members |
Role of Integrity Assurance Officers
An Integrity Assurance Officer (IAO) is an officer selected, trained and assigned duties to offer technical expertise in the promotion of a culture of integrity and the implementation of corruption prevention strategies in his or her respective institution.
The lead IAO and his/her team have the responsibility of assisting the Chief Executive and the Corruption Prevention Committee to:
- Carry out Corruption Risk Assessment (CRAs) within their institutions
- Develop and implement Corruption Prevention Plans (CPPs) for their institutions
- Identify areas within their organizations, which are vulnerable to corruption and advising their ministries or organizations accordingly.
- Develop and implement Codes of Conduct to improve the culture and ethical behavior in their institutions
- Develop governance instruments such as corruption prevention polices and public service charters and codes of conduct
- Sensitize members of staff on the phenomenon of corruption and the anti-corruption legal framework
- Communicate positive attitudes and developing adequate capacity so as to serve as effective change agents
- Establish effective corruption reporting systems within their organizations
NB. The IAO will serve as secretary to their respective Corruption Prevention Committees/Integrity Committees
The National Integrity Academy Joins Hands with County Governments to train Integrity Champions

The Academy, which is the training arm of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, aims to promote a culture of integrity in all sectors of society. It also seeks to enhance the capacity of agencies, institutions and practitioners to combat and prevent corruption and unethical practices.
The purpose of the training, which was rolled out at Sunrise Resort and Spa in Mombasa, was to equip trainees with knowledge, skills and tools with which to promote ethics, integrity and good governance. It is considered vital since corruption prevention is one of the performance contracting annual targets on which institutions are supposed to report progress on a quarterly basis to EACC.
The training covered topics such as the psychology of corruption, shaping organizational culture, anti- corruption legal framework and role of County Ward Administrators in enhancing service delivery among others. Participants were required to prepare and thereafter implement corruption prevention plans.
EACC Commissioner Rose Mghoi Macharia said that, “it is the responsibility of all of us to provide services promptly, and to ensure efficient implementation of the development programmes and projects initiated by the Government”.

Commissioner Rose further requested the officials to adhere to integrity especially in service delivery to the public, to pursue wider moral principles in the public interest and to demonstrate commitment in the transfer and practice of the knowledge and skills required during the training.
Dr. Purity Gitonga, The Head of the Academy, thanked the Kilifi County Government for joining hands with NIAca and the EACC in promoting ethics, integrity and anti-corruption in public service.
She reminded the participants that it is through training that new knowledge and skills are acquired, new attitudes formed, reflections made and new way of doing things adopted. As overseers and implementers of the IAO programme, the trainees had a responsibility of ensuring that integrity is mainstreamed in all procedures, processes and policies of their respective organizations and functional areas.
Corruption Prevention in Supply Chain Management
The National Integrity Academy (NIAca) held the first Supply Chain Management Course for twenty-three (23) county procurement officers drawn from Ten (10) counties. The training was held from 16th – 20th December, 2019 at the Travellers Beach Resort, Mombasa.
The hosting of the workshop was informed by the fact that corruption has become endemic in Kenya. This cancerous economic disease has affected investor confidence, service delivery, professionalism, tourism and security among other facets of our individual and collective lives.
Evidence based on findings of the National Ethics and Corruption Surveys conducted by the Commission annually suggests that corruption, unethical practices and other malpractices are taking root and increasing with the uptake and spread of devolved services and devolved functions at the County level in Kenya. These levels of corruption have resulted in County underdevelopment, poor service delivery at the counties, poor road construction, budget deficits, denial of public participation in project selection and budgeting process, unfair recruitment process, hampering service delivery as public funds are embezzled, widened gap between the rich and the poor and enormous loss of Government funds.
The aim of the training was to equip the participants with knowledge, skills and attitudes on ethics, integrity and anti-corruption competencies required to promote integrity in public procurement. The training also aims at providing participants with a clear understanding of how to recognize, reduce and detect corrupt behaviour and unethical conduct in public procurement, and to increase awareness of the importance of ethical conduct throughout the procurement process.
The Former Chairman of the Commission Archbishop (Rtd) Eliud Wabukala officially opened the training on Monday, 16thDecember, 2019.
In his remarks, the chairman:
- Commended the National Integrity Academy (NIAca) for organizing the workshop aimed at promoting ethics in Supply Chain Management function in our county governments.
- Stated that, “As a commission, we’ll endeavour to make corruption a very expensive venture so that those who hold public office choose to either strictly operate within the dictates of law or quit public service altogether,”
- Noted that a culture of non-compliance combined with a lack of accountability and transparency contributed to the wholesale of looting and unethical procurement practices
- Despite the availability of various pieces of legislations on procurement activities many public entities in Kenya do not give proper attention in implementing ethical issues as it deserves in procurement process.
- Further stated that the commission is alive to all these unethical practice and shall continuously to fulfill its mandate of law enforcement, preventive measures, public education and promotion of best standards as well as instilling a sense of integrity and ethics in all our county governments.
The five-day training covered the following areas:
- The Mandate of EACC and Training Objectives;
- Understanding Corruption and Unethical Practices: A Kenyan perspective
- Workplace Ethics and Integrity; A basic Understanding
- Salient provisions of Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act, 2003 (ACECA) and the Bribery Act, 2016;
- Understanding public procurement laws: practices, jurisprudence and emerging issues; Dispute Resolution mechanisms
- Supply Chain Management Budgeting, Planning and Operation
- Insights into tendering methods and procurement: Promoting Integrity in the Tendering and Bid Evaluation process
- The role of internal and external stakeholders in the promotion and prevention of corruption in public procurement
- Technology and Corruption curbing corruption through public e-procurement
- Risk based audit in public procurement; Case of County governments procurement
- Corruption Risk Assessment and Prevention plan in public procurement
- Promoting professional ethics in Supply Chain Management
Academy Policy Development Workshop
Good governance requires that organizations big or small develop policies, procedures and systems that guide their day-to-day operations. The Academy team organized a five-day workshop in September 2019 to develop instruments and policy document to guide its administration.
Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme
The National Integrity Academy in partnership with the Curriculum Development and Certification Council (CDACC) under the Ministry of Education trained the academy facilitators from the 13th to 17th May 2019 at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies. The programme focused on modalities of e implementing a Competency Based Curriculum, Principles of Adult Learning Qualities of an Effective Trainer, The Science of Learning, teaching and learning theories and methodologies; the Psychology of Corruption; Ant-Corruption Legal Framework among other areas. The Course participants were drawn EACC, Ken Gen, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and the National Anti-Corruption Campaigns Steering Committee.
All officers undertaking the Academy Courses will be guided by and commit to the following Principles and Service Values in all their interactions during training and in their work place.
They will commit themselves to:
- Serve with diligence and fortitude
- Endeavour to act ethically and with integrity at all times’
- Advance and protect public interest
- Be fair, impartial, accountable and transparent in their work
- Observe and maintain high standards in all their duties
- Be diligent, professional in carrying out their duties
- Respect each work and work as a team
- Endeavour to set example of excellence in all service