President Backs Ongoing Graft Purge
05.09.2019: His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta visited the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) Stand during the official opening of the Mombasa International Show. Speaking to the Commission Chairman retired Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, Commissioners and Staff, the President said corruption must be fought by all means, by not only enforcing the law but also applying preventive measures. “You know where my heart is, you not only enforce but you also prevent” He said.

The Commission Chair also informed the President on the Commission’s achievements in the fight against corruption among them recovery of stolen public assets valued at Kshs. 8,010,164,316, losses averted through corruption disruptions valued at Kshs. 34,732,120,056 and convictions of 130 persons charged with corruption.
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