Stop using professional expertise to facilitate theft of public funds; EACC urges professionals

Stop using professional expertise to facilitate theft of public funds; EACC urges professionals

11:10:2024: The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has called upon Accountants, Lawyers, and other professionals in the country to refrain from using their respective professional competencies to facilitate theft of public funds.

In his keynote address during the official launch of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) Annual Governance & Ethics Conference, which is taking place in Mombasa, EACC Director of Ethics and Leadership, FCPA John Lolkoloi, revealed that no significant scandal involving theft of public funds has ever occurred in the country without the direct involvement of professionals, especially Accountants and Lawyers. He challenged the participants to use their professional expertise to advance the public good instead of enabling actions that are inimical to society’s well-being.

Noting the critical role of Accountants in managing public funds, Mr. Lolkoloi urged them to cease processing fraudulent payments and instead report suspicious transactions to Authorities.

“Do not be conduits for proceeds of corruption or assist in perpetuating corrupt schemes,” said the EACC Ethics Director.

Acknowledging the prevalence of fake academic certificates in the Public Service, Lolkoloi revealed that EACC has since directed all public institutions in Kenya to authenticate academic and professional certificates of persons being considered for employment.

So far, over 2000 public officers have been alleged to have fake academic certificates, and remedial actions have been taken at different stages of law enforcement.

In addition to prosecuting academic cheats criminally, EACC will continue to file civil suits to recover all salaries and benefits earned based on fake qualifications.

The five-day conference concludes today. EACC’s Chairperson, Dr David Oginde, will give keynote closing remarks on upholding integrity and accountability in a dynamic world.

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