What is the Kenya Leadership and Integrity Forum (KLIF)?
The Kenya Leadership and Integrity Forum (KLIF) is a stakeholder’s forum consisting of 15 sectors who are partnering in the fight against corruption and unethical practices in Kenya. KLIF brings together stakeholders from the public and private sectors, civil society and religious organizations to map out an integrated approach to preventing and combating corruption.
KLIF Sectors and Stakeholders
The Sectors that are organized under the KLIF umbrella are as follows:
- Legislature
- Judiciary
- Executive
- Enforcement Agencies
- Watchdog Agencies
- Education
- County Governments
- Civil Society
- Private Sector
- Media
- Professional Bodies
- Labor
- Religious Sector and
- Constitutional Commissions
The Kenya Integrity Plan 2023-2018
The Kenya Integrity Plan KIP 2023-2028 is a blue print that envisages collective action and partnerships in enhancing integrity and accountability in Kenya. The benefits of the collaborative approach envisioned through KLIF in the fight against corruption in Kenya cannot be gainsaid.
The Kenya Integrity Plan 2015-2019
Since 2015, the KLIF stakeholders have been implementing the Kenyan Integrity Plan (KIP) 2015-2019 which was formulated as a roadmap for all the KLIF sectors to implement a unified strategy to combat corruption in Kenya. All the sectors and the respective institutions implementing the KIP align their anti-corruption interventions to the KIP and develop annual action plans and progress implementation reports. These reports provide an opportunity to assess performance and measure impact of the stakeholder’s anti-corruption activities.
Why Partner in the Fight Against Corruption?
The KLIF platform was designed to allow each sector to leverage on its competitive advantage to contribute to the fight against corruption, creating the requisite synergy for better results with shared resources.
KLIF has provided a framework through which the stakeholders collectively tackle corruption and unethical conduct across the various sectors by designing and implementing anticorruption initiatives in their respective sectors.
The spirit of partnership and collaboration recognizes that corruption takes place in all sectors. Therefore, it is imperative that all sectors are involved in preventing and eradicating it.
Some of the benefits of partnering in promoting ethics and fighting corruption are as follows:
- Provides unity of purpose for all those involved in the fight against corruption
- Leads to concerted efforts in fighting corruption
- Enables stakeholders to work towards a common goal of a corrupt free nation
- Enables sharing of ideas in solving the problems caused by corruption
- Promotes a culture of ethics and integrity
- Makes the fight against corruption inclusive
- Enhances a cohesive team and builds trust among partners in the fight against corruption
- Facilitates achievement of great results and impacts
- Creates ownership of the process