Integrity Clubs
What is Integrity Club?
Integrity Club is a small group of friends from the same workplace, class, School, University or community who voluntarily commit to meet regularly to help each other continuously to improve the quality and integrity of their Individual and group performance and behavior especially in the values of Patriotism, Integrity and Service Excellence in close coordination with proper authorities and leadership of the Integrity Club.
Three phenomena that have changed nations worldwide and impact the Integrity Clubs namely:
- Globalization;
- Internationalization; and
- Democratization
Foundational Policy
Globalization and Internationalization have the twin contradictory tendency of not only drawing out common elements in systems, structures, and processes but also highlighting the differences among them, i.e. they lead to homogeneity and heterogeneity.
Democratization on the other hand, has led communities everywhere to clamour for good governance practices that promote the core principals of transparency, accountability, responsibility, inclusion and devolution in national life and the body politic.
Understanding the concept of Integrity
After your health, it’s said that the most important thing you have is your integrity, because once it’s gone — it’s gone. Along with the awful feeling of not wanting to look at yourself in the mirror, word spreads, & you might find yourself very unpopular all of a sudden.
“An internal system of principles which guides our behaviour”
- The rewards are intrinsic
- Integrity is a choice rather than an obligation
- Integrity cannot be forced by outside sources
- Integrity conveys a sense of wholeness and strength
Integrity Clubs
Target in-school youth. Instrumental in uniting youth in the promotion of ethics, integrity and good governance through:
- Debates
- Arts
- Culture;
- Sports; and
- Other activities – emphasis on ingenuity
Objectives of Integrity Clubs
- Identify ethical dilemmas affecting youth and how to resolve them
- Build Character : Nurture appropriate values and positive attributes among the youth;
- Enhancing learners’ knowledge of ethics and integrity thus promoting ethical behaviour in institutions of learning;
- Empowering youth to advocate for good governance as means of combating corruption
- Rekindle in the youth the spirit of patriotism
- Promoting culture of hard work with integrity and encouraging unwavering compliance to stipulated regulations
- Encouraging youth to be self-directed, focused and responsible
Aims of Integrity Clubs
- Promote right attitudes and values that influence ethical behaviour and good character among youth
- Actively involve youth in activities that create synergy and focus towards a better society
- Encourage youth to demand accountability, transparency and responsibility from leaders
- Inspire youth to participate in community service
- Develop law abiding and development conscious citizens
- Enlist youth support in the war on corruption.
Functions of Integrity Clubs
- Help to mobilize members towards desired positive behaviour and attitude change
- Expose members to existing information and trends
- Develop and enhance appropriate leadership qualities and decision-making skills
- Provide non-conventional modes of passing crucial information in a relaxed atmosphere
- Stimulate creativity in addressing social problems
- Create awareness and responsiveness to the prevailing societal challenges
- Provide opportunities for members to share experiences
- Form networks of knowledge sharing and learning
- Provide conducive environment for addressing ethical dilemmas
- Motivate members to be agents of desired change in society
Structure of Integrity Clubs
Clubs anticipated to be established in all institutions of learning in Kenya. Hierarchical structure of Integrity Clubs consists of three levels:
- National
- County
- School
The structure at each of these levels and the roles of position holders and that of stakeholders are clearly outlined in the Manual for the Establishment of Integrity Clubs in Institutions of Learning in Kenya.
Integrity Clubs Regulations
Integrity Clubs are governed by an instrument in the Manual known as the Constitution of the Integrity Club. It has a Preamble and ten (10) Articles:
Art. I – Supremacy of the Club Constitution;
Art. II – Interpretation and Enforcement of the Constitution;
Art. III – The Club
Art. IV – Aims and Objectives of the Club;
Art. V – Membership;
Art. VI – Integrity Club Leadership;
Art. VII – Election Policies;
Art. VIII – Club Meetings
Art. IX – Funding
Art. X – Liability
Expected Outcome
- Attitude change among youth and generational transformation in Kenya leading to reduced incidences of corruption
- Increased number of youth actively participating in decision making, governance and anti-corruption processes
- Improved access to critical public services
- Increased number of youth taking up positions of leadership
- Structure of and roles in the clubs are clearly outlined in Manual for the establishment of Integrity Clubs.
School outreach program
The school outreach program entails sensitization on ethics, integrity, and anti-corruption for learners across all levels and teaching staff in institutions of learning across the country aimed at involving them in promoting integrity and corruption prevention.
Sponsorship: National Drama and Film Festival and Kenya National Music Festivals
The Commission sponsors the anti-corruption sub-theme during the KNDFF and KNMF. The Commission is able to harness talents that showcase the creativity of the youth in an attempt to demonstrate the effects of corrupt practices and foster integrity. The Commission conducts sensitization for festival trainers guiding the development of scripts in various institutions and adjudicators to ensure integrity in the adjudication process. The Commission also sensitizes participants during the festivals.
Kenya Institute of Mass Communication Students Participating in Music Festivals
Promotion of Value-based education through the Curriculum
The Commission, in partnership with other stakeholders, participated in mainstreaming value-based education in the new Basic Education Curriculum of the Ministry of Education. The current Competency Based Curriculum has incorporated values in all learning areas and it is envisioned to nurture responsible professionals and citizenry who will shun corruption.
Hosting Integrity Club Forums
Integrity Club Forums bring together Integrity Club members from various schools and their patrons to a common venue, providing an opportunity to interact, share experiences and learn from each other for the realization of the objectives of the Club in their respective institutions. The Club members compete in presentations such as skits, songs and choral verses with integrity themes.
Integrity Club Members presenting a skit on integrity
Hosting Integrity Club Conferences for Universities
The Commission promotes Integrity in Universities through hosting Conferences involving Integrity Club members drawn from a number of Universities. This encourages the youth to uphold personal integrity and raise awareness on ethical conduct among their peers.
Ethics and anti-corruption awareness for education sector stakeholders.
The Commission raises awareness among various education sector stakeholders to promote ethical leadership and prevent corruption. These comprise education sector directors, Managers and examination monitoring officials, to enhance integrity in examination administration processes and avert cheating in national examinations.
Development and dissemination of IEC materials
Information, Education and Communication materials with appropriate messages on values are developed and disseminated to the youth in institutions of learning.
Manual for the Establishment of Integrity Clubs