EACC presents compliance monitoring report on dams implementation projects in the Ministry of Water

25:02:2025: EACC has presented a report on a compliance monitoring exercise for implementing the dams’ projects at the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Irrigation.
Compliance monitoring is a corruption prevention strategy that targets ongoing high-impact government projects. It seeks to proactively identify and address non-compliance and inherent systemic weaknesses that may perpetuate corruption before they occasion the loss of public resources.
Speaking at the event today at the Kenya Water Institute in Nairobi, Commissioner Dr Cecilia Mutuku, head of EACC’s delegation, said the Report aims to facilitate the Sector’s implementation of systems of work that facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements and make it difficult to engage in corrupt practices during the implementation of the dams’ projects.

“The Government intends to intensify national connectivity through water infrastructure to foster an enabling environment for economic recovery and inclusive growth. These can only be achieved when systems and procedures of work are effective and efficient in the management of resources and service delivery,” Dr Mutuku said.
Some of the report’s key findings include the lack of a comprehensive national database of existing dams, regional master plans to guide water infrastructure development, national policy, sector-specific guidelines on public participation, and a master policy for managing water catchment areas.
The report also highlighted the non-compliant Water Resource User Association and inadequate and outdated instruments for collecting data as part of its findings and promised to work closely with the key players in the water sector and other identified stakeholders to implement the report’s recommendations.

The Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, Eng. Eric Mugaa, who received the Report, promised to implement it.
“The Ministry will prudently review the report’s findings and take the necessary steps to address concerns, reinforcing transparency and accountability in dam projects across the country,” he said.