EACC and CoG hold Consultative Forum on Enhancing Corruption Prevention in the Counties

EACC and CoG hold Consultative Forum on Enhancing Corruption Prevention in the Counties

On the 31st of October, 2019, the Ethics and Anti- Corruption Commission (EACC) and the Council of Governors (CoG) held a consultative meeting to discuss corruption prevention strategies in the County Governments. The meeting involved candid and objective discussions by the stakeholders and benefited immensely from insights of the Governor of Central Bank of Kenya on the State of the economy and its implications to County Governments.

After exhaustive deliberations, resolutions were made in line with the forum’s theme; “Enhancing Corruption Prevention in County Governments”, to guide structured collaboration and cooperation between the EACC and County Governments.

The Resolutions were as follows:

  1. THAT County Governments and EACC shall develop and institutionalize a collaborative framework to support corruption prevention in Counties. The framework will transcend political transitions and serve subsequent County Governments.
  2. THAT the framework will focus on corruption prevention through inter alia sensitization of County governments and citizens as well as structured support to Counties through the EACC Regional Offices.
  3. THAT Excellency Governors shall champion corruption prevention in their respective County Governments as they continue to embrace unity, compassion, fairness and servant leadership.
  4. THAT both EACC and County Governments shall set aside funds to support corruption prevention initiatives in the Counties.
  5. THAT EACC shall remain objective, transparent and professional in discharging its mandate of preventing and investigating corruption while applying itself within the rule of law.
  6. THAT the Council of Governors in partnership with the EACC shall document corruption prevention mechanisms in the Counties for purposes of knowledge sharing, learning and adopting emerging good practices.
  7. THAT EACC shall extend its Corruption Risk Assessments and Advisory initiatives to all Counties to aid in proactive identification and sealing of corruption loopholes.
  8. THAT the Central Bank of Kenya shall partner with EACC and Council of Governors to strengthen Public Finance Management in the Counties.
  9. THAT the Council of Governors and EACC shall establish a joint team to formulate a
    roadmap for developing and implementing the proposed framework for collaboration
    by 31st December, 2019.

The resolutions were adopted and formalized and a Communique was issued at the end of the Forum.

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