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The doctrine of indefeasibility of title cannot apply where title was acquired by way of fraud or misrepresentation in which the proprietor is proved to be party – Court of Appeal Judgement in CIVIL APPEAL NO. E038 OF 2021


EACC recovers prime Government property in Nakuru and Nyahururu


EACC recovers, on appeal, land belonging to Kenya Revenue Authority in Mtwapa


EACC goes for young souls in the ethics quest


EACC arrests High Court advocate and a Court Clerk for soliciting in the name of a judge


FBI to strengthen partnership with EACC

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Report Corruption

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission gathers information on corruption occurring in Government and the public Sector from a variety of sources. These sources include members of the public, heads of government departments and agencies, officials working in both the public and private sectors and the media.

The reports can be made at the EACC headquarter (Integrity Center), our regional offices and all Huduma Centers countrywide.

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