EACC explores further avenues of collaboration with two key stakeholders

EACC explores further avenues of collaboration with two key stakeholders

31:05:2024: The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has held two separate meetings with two crucial anti-corruption stakeholders where further avenues of collaboration were explored.

On the afternoon of Thursday, 30th May, 2024, the Commission hosted a delegation from the African Development Bank (AFDB) led by Ms. Paula Santos Da-Costa, Director, Office of Integrity and Anti-Corruption AFDB. She was received by Mr. Joel Mukumu, EACC Director of Finance and Planning.

Front right; EACC Director Field Services, Mr. Jackson Mue when he hosted a delegation from from the Deutsche Gesellshaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Hailing the value of partnerships and collaborations, Ms. Da-Costa said in her remarks that it was not feasible working in silos. The current partnership between AFDB and the Commission, she said, should be enhanced.

Mr. Mukumu welcomed the renewed collaboration with AFDB and noted that partnership was one of the strategic focuses of the EACC with the view of enhancing the fight against corruption and economic crimes.

On the afternoon of Wednesday, 29th May, 2024, the Commission also hosted a delegation from the Deutsche Gesellshaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in Kenya.

Fourth from left: EACC Director Finance and Planning, Mr. Joel Mukumu hosting a delegation from the African Development Bank (AFDB)

The courtesy visit by GIZ was made to explore potential areas of collaboration between the two institutions under GIZ’s Strengthening Good Governance, and Illicit Financial Flows Programmes.

The objective of the proposed collaboration is to improve good governance in the public sector in Kenya and to strengthen systems for the fight against illicit financial flows.

The delegation, led by Mr. Thomas Ansorg, Cluster Coordinator – Governance, Peace and Security Cluster, GIZ was received by Mr. Jackson Mue, Director Field Services and Coordination.

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