Consortium of Civil Societies boss nabbed in an extortion racket

Consortium of Civil Societies boss nabbed in an extortion racket

17:09:2024: The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has arrested Peter Odhiambo Agoro, Chairperson of the Consortium of Civil Societies in Kenya, for extorting Kes.3 million from a state corporation’s Chief Executive Officer.

The suspect has been escorted to the EACC Integrity Centre Police Station, where he is currently held for processing.

The civil society leader demanded the Kes3 million bribe as an inducement and facilitation fee to not pursue and publicize accusations of procurement malpractices he claimed to have against the Parastatal CEO.

The suspect accepted the complainant’s plea to reduce the demanded amount to Kes2 million, which was to be paid in two instalments of Kes1.5 million today and Kes.500,000 later.

Unknown to him, the complainant had already notified EACC of the matter.

The Commission undertook an operation this morning that led to Mr. Agoro’s arrest after receiving the first installment of Kes.1.5 million, USD 10,800, and Kes.100,000.

The Commission also arrested two Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) Health Port Officers yesterday for bribery.

Dedan Kamau Ndung’u, a shift head, and Esther Mwihaki Mwangi, a Senior Assistant Public Health Officer, were nabbed in a sting operation, and a total of Kes13700 and USD110 recovered from them.

Dedan Kamau Ndung’u, a shift head, and Esther Mwihaki Mwangi, a Senior Assistant Public Health Officer after they were arrested at JKIA

The Commission had received several allegations of the Port Health officers compromising regulations in relation to yellow fever vaccinations in exchange for bribes.

Investigations by the Commission preceding the operation revealed that the Port Health officers issued yellow fever vaccine certificates to foreigners arriving minus the certificates without administering the vaccines. In some cases, they administered the vaccines but did not register the payments.

Investigations of the same are ongoing, and appropriate action will be taken upon their conclusion.

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