CRA employee in forged certificates scandal pleads not guilty to charges

CRA employee in forged certificates scandal pleads not guilty to charges

21:05:2024: An employee of the Commission of Revenue Allocation (CRA) who forged academic certificates on whose strength she was employed and earned a gross salary of Kes15,224,522 between August 2017 and July 2023 has today been arraigned in the Anti-Corruption Court at Milimani.

This comes after the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) concurred with the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)’s recommendation to prosecute.

Jecintah Adoyo Hezron, a Senior Analyst/Personal Assistant to the Chairperson of the CRA was arraigned before Hon. Celesa Okore after she honored summons to appear at EACC’s Integrity Centre this morning.

She was charged with one count of fraudulent acquisition of public property, two counts of forgery, two counts of uttering false document, one of giving false information to a person employed in public service, and one of deceiving principal.

Ms. Jecintah Odoyo Hezron leaving Integrity Centre to take plea to academic certificates forgery charges at Milimani Anti-Corruption Court

The Court heard that between 1st August 2017 and 31st July 2023, Jecintah Adoyo, being a public officer employed at the CRA, she fraudulently acquired public property amounting to Kes15,224,522 in the form salary. This was upon employment based on academic certificates; Masters in Arts (Development Studies) and Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) certificates purportedly awarded by the University of Nairobi in 2009 and 2012 respectively, a fact she knew to be false.

On 4th July 2017, the Court was told, she produced the same certificates to the interviewing panel during an interview purporting them to be genuine while knowing they were fake. That she knowingly gave false information to the EACC on 12th July 2017 by stating that she possessed the said qualifications when she filled in her Self Declaration Form for purposes of seeking clearance for employment as a Senior Analyst/Personal Assistant to the Chairperson at CRA. And that on 1st August 2018 at the CRA offices in Nairobi, she knowingly and intentionally deceived her principal by stating that she had the said qualifications, which information she knew was false.

She denied all the charges and was released on a bond of Kes2 million with a surety of a similar amount or cash bail of Kes1 million. The case will be mentioned on 17th June, 2024.

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