Dr Oginde to lead KLIF as Attorney General’s co-chair

05:06:2024: The Kenya Leadership Integrity Forum (KLIF) today elected Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) Chairperson, Dr. David Oginde as its alternate Chairperson.
Dr. Oginde was elected unanimously during KLIF’s National Coordinating Committee meeting at a hotel in Nairobi. Ms. Sheila Masinde, the Executive Director of Transparency International (K) was also elected Vice Chair.
EACC’s Secretary/CEO Mr. Twalib Mbarak is the Secretary to the Forum and coordinates the agenda of stakeholder engagement in the fight against corruption. EACC also provides the Secretariat which is headed by Ms Petronilla Kyengo

The Attorney General is the designated chairperson of KLIF and the election of an alternate chair was so that he or she can provide leadership whenever the Attorney General, whose office is heavily laden with national duties, is unavailable.
Dr. Oginde, while accepting his new lead role in KLIF called on those present to lead by example. “We want to appeal to all of us, good citizens who are seated in this room, let us be champions of that which is right,” he said.
KLIF’s National Coordinating Committee also adopted a five-year strategic plan, Kenya Integrity Plan (KIP) 2023-2028. The plan is characterized into four strategic objectives including to enhance the capacity of KLIF to implement a collective approach in the fight against corruption; promote strengthening of policy, legal and institutional framework in the fight against corruption; promote Ethics and integrity in public and private sector, and; to promote ethics and integrity in the society.
With H.E the President as patron, KLIF is a multi-sector forum bringing together stakeholders for a unified and integrated fight against corruption. The Forum is comprised of 20 sectors including the Executive, Anti-Corruption Agencies, the Civil Society, Faith Sector, the Private Sector, the Media and other State and non-state actors.