EACC arraigns City County of Nairobi employee for forgery of academic certificate

EACC arraigns City County of Nairobi employee for forgery of academic certificate

18:10:2024: A City County of Nairobi ICT Assistant has pleaded not guilty to charges relating to the forgery of academic certificates.

Arraigned by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) before Principal Magistrate Isabella Barasa at Milimani Law Courts, Lawrence Barasa Masinde was charged in the first count with fraudulent acquisition of public property.

The Court was told that between August 2016 and November 2023, while employed by the Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company Ltd as an ICT Assistant, he acquired Kes7,173.963 in salaries based on a Diploma Certificate in Information Technology allegedly awarded by the Eldoret National Polytechnic on 13/09/2010, a fact he knew to be false.

Masinde leaving EACC’s Integrity Centre after being processed on his way to plead to charges at Milimani Anti-Corruption Court

In count two, Mr. Masinde was charged with forgery. The Court heard that he forged the certificate on an unknown date with intent to deceive. He was also charged in count three with uttering a false document on or about October 7, 2016.

In count four, he was charged with deceiving the principal. The Court heard that on or about October 7, 2016, as a public officer employed at the Nairobi City and Sewerage Company as an ICT Assistant, he knowingly and intentionally deceived his principal by stating that he was a holder of a professional qualification, a Diploma from the Eldoret Polytechnic. The Court was told that the accused upgraded the Personnel Record Form with the details, which he knew to be falls.

He pleaded not guilty to the four counts and was released on a cash bail of Kes200,000 or a bond of Kes1 million with a surety of a similar amount. The matter will be mentioned on November 14, 2024, before Hon. Charles Ondieki.

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