EACC goes for young souls in the ethics quest

19:06:2024: The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission’s Western Regional Office, Kisumu has undertaken an ethics and integrity sensitization in selected primary and secondary schools in Kisumu County
Through the Department of Education and Public Awareness, the Commission aimed at enlightening learners on the dangers of corruption; their role in combating corruption; character formation and how to tackle ethical dilemmas within their day-to-day engagements.

The learners were also enlightened on the importance of upholding integrity. They were encouraged to start Integrity Clubs with the primary role of shaping future leaders as integrity champions.
EACC is seized of, as part of its mandate, the responsibility to combat and prevent corruption, economic crime and unethical conduct in Kenya through public education, promotion of standards and practices of integrity, ethics and anti-corruption.
The Commission’s Education Officers reached out to Nyabondo High School, Kisumu Boys High School, Koru Girls High School, Onjiko Boys High School, and Sinyolo Girls High School. They also visited Nyandero Primary School, Urudi Primary School, Lakeview Primary School, Dr. Robert Ouko Primary School, Kassagam Primary School, Reru AIC Primary School, Atoya Primary School, Maseno Mixed Primary School.