EACC partners with IHRM to foster ethics, transparency and accountability in workplaces

30:10:2024: EACC, through its National Integrity Academy (NIAca), in collaboration with the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM) Board, has launched the Ethics in Human Resource Management Curriculum.
The launch occurred during the 28th Annual National HRM Conference in Naivasha, titled “HR Visionaries: Transforming Workplaces, empowering Africa.”
Speaking during the launch, EACC’s Commissioner Col. (Rtd) Alfred Mshimba said that it is clear that Human Resources hold the key to workplace transformation across Africa. However, Commissioner Mshimba added, “There are some threats to the attainment of the vision, which may hinder the achievement of the desired objectives envisioned.”

One such obstacle, he noted, is corruption, adding that “The Human Resource Practices is not spared of this vice which if not checked can be entrenched and institutionalized in all the procedures, systems and policies of an organization. Corruption is, therefore, the greatest threat to transforming workplaces”.
The Conference brings together HR Professionals from both the Public and Private sectors to share experiences and strengthen members’ professional development.
Mr. Amos Gathecha, Principal Secretary of the State Department for Public Service and Chief Guest at the launch, noted that transforming the workplace calls for a review of existing HR practices, embracing effective leadership, and assessment of organization delivery infrastructure. He urged HR Professionals to embrace creativity, transparency, accountability, and good governance practices through individual and collective efforts to transform the workplace for better economic development.

EACC’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Abdi Muhamud Ahmed, said that the curriculum is designed not only to build capacity but to transform the very essence of Human Resource practices by embedding ethics as a core component within this crucial function.
Human Resources is pivotal in any organization, without which workplaces would lack structure, support, and a sense of direction. In essence, HR is the backbone of an organization, working to align employee goals with the organization’s vision. EACC, being a key partner of the IHRM, will work together to inculcate a culture change with a view to transforming state and non-state institutions.
The five-day event brought together over 900 HR practitioners from different parts of the country.