EACC pilots law enforcement programs after MOU with Kenya School of Government

17:09:2024: Following the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and the Kenya School of Government (KSG) that established a framework of engagement defining broad areas and mechanisms of cooperation, the Commission’s National Integrity Academy has today piloted six law enforcement programs at the School.
The programs are split into three cohorts: Cohort One, Corruption and Ethics Investigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution, will run from 16 to 20 September 2024; Cohort Two, Asset Tracing and Mutual Legal Assistance, will run from 23 to 27 September 2024; and Cohort Three, Financial Investigations and Asset Recovery, will run from 30 September to 4 October 2024.

Speaking at the program’s launch, Mr Abdi Mohamud, EACC Deputy Chief Executive Officer, said the pilot training will involve testing the program’s efficacy with a selected group of participants before full implementation. It will consist of delivering the training program, collecting participant feedback, identifying challenges, and making necessary adjustments to ensure an engaging and resource-efficient rollout.
“This being a pilot exercise, it is essential for both the participants and resource persons to give adequate and honest feedback to enable the Academy to enrich the law enforcement program,” he said and asked the participants to give careful and insightful responses when course evaluation questions are posed to them in the course of the program.
He said that the pilot program is a testament to the Commission’s dedication to excellence and continuous improvement in law enforcement