EACC records significant progress in asset recovery

14:05:2024: The value of recovered property by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission in the form of unexplained wealth held by public officers and corruptly acquired assets has significantly increased to Kes28 billion in 2023 from Kes3.565 billion in 2018.
At the same time, the value of loss of public funds averted through disruption of corruption networks rose from Kes19.7 billion in 2018 to Kes41.3 billion in the year under review. This is revealed in EACC Annual Report for the Financial Year 2022/2023 launched today at the Commission’s headquarters at Integrity Centre.
The report also shows that the Commission forwarded 97 files to the Director of Public Prosecutions in the year under review for further action, out of the 158 files that it finalized on corruption, economic crimes and unethical conduct.

During the same year, the report shows, the Commission filed 62 new civil suits to recover assets estimated at Kes8.73 billion currently in private hands including land, houses and cash. The Commission has also traced and is in the process of recovering from suspects unexplained and illegally acquired public property worth Kes6.63 billion.
Procurement irregularities, the report reveals, registered cases involving the largest amounts with Tana Athi Water Works Development Agency leading with Kes26.7 billion, followed by Kenya Electricity Transmission Company with Kes18.5 billion; Ministry of Health, Kes10.2 billion; Tourism Fund, Kesh8.5 billion and; Kenya Railways Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme, Kes8.0 billion.
Launching the Report, the Commission’s CEO Mr. Twalib Mbarak noted the milestones constitute good performance considering the challenging environment in which the Commission operates including, among others, budgetary constraints, and judicial forum shopping for court orders against EACC and other law enforcement agencies. He also mentioned politicization of the Commission’s work and lack of leadership commitment to accountability in state agencies and counties as part of what affects the Commission’s work.
In his remarks during the launch, the Commission’s Chairperson, Dr. David Oginde said that the Commission will seek amendment to the relevant law to allow for public officers under investigation or charged with corruption or economic crimes to be barred from exercising powers of the office where they are likely to interfere with investigations. He also emphasized that the Commission will continue to engage relevant stakeholders in order to improve policy and legal framework aimed at curbing the corruption scourge.
The Annual Report 2022/23 was prepared pursuant to the provisions of Article 254 (1) of the Constitution, and Section 45(1) of the Leadership and Integrity Act (LIA), No. 19 of 2012. The Report provides details of anti-corruption activities undertaken and achievements realized; information relating to the enforcement of ethics and compliance with the provisions of LIA; relevant statistical information; challenges encountered; and audited financial statements of the Commission.
It is an accountability tool and will also be submitted to the National Assembly and to the President as required by law.