EACC signs an MOU with the Kenya School of Government for collaboration in the training of public officers in ethics and integrity

EACC signs an MOU with the Kenya School of Government  for collaboration in the training of public officers in ethics and integrity

11:09:2024: The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), through its National Integrity Academy (NIAca) and the Kenya School of Government (KSG), are poised to join hands in the quest for a culture transformation in the public service through education and training.

Believing that transforming the public service through developing knowledge and competencies among public servants will improve service delivery and prevent corruption, the two institutions have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to establish a framework of engagement that defines their broad areas and mechanisms of cooperation.

From left; EACC Deputy CEO, Abdi Mohamud Ahmed, CEO Twalib Mbarak, KSG Director General Prof. Nuru Mohamed, and Director of Academic Affairs Josephine Mwanzia after signing the MOU between EACC and KSG

Through the MOU, the parties seek to promote the sharing of institutional infrastructure and professional capacity, development resources, skills, and knowledge within their areas of expertise. They will cooperate in training, co-creation, and delivery of anti-corruption and governance programmes; joint research and consultancy; co-publication; technical assistance; and mobilization of financial resources.

The MOU states that KSG will grant EACC access to its facilities at the KSG headquarters and its Campuses in Baringo, Embu, Matuga, and Mombasa. This access will also include the online programmes coordinated by the KSG Learning and Development Institute.

They agreed to establish a joint technical committee comprising equal members to coordinate the implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of activities.

Speaking during the signing ceremony of the MOU at the KSG last evening, EACC CEO Mr Twalib Mbarak commended the KSG leadership for accepting to enter into an MOU with EACC. He also recognized the school’s role in enhancing good governance through training and capacity development in the public and private sectors.

Top officials of both institutions dancing to a tune by the KSG choir during the MOU signing ceremony

The objective of EACC and KSG in signing the MOU, Mr Mbarak said, is to provide a framework of cooperation and collaboration that will mutually benefit and reinforce the interests of both parties, adding that the nexus between EACC and KSG is the fact that a transformed public service guarantees the ethical conduct of public officers hence uprooting corruption in the public sector.

Prof. Nura Mohamed, the Director General of KSG, said that EACC and KSG share a vision to build the capacity of public servants. He emphasized the need to focus on culture transformation in the public sector through evidence-based research to establish the levels of corruption and devise targeted strategies.

Established under the EACC Act, 2011 to combat corruption and economic crime through law enforcement and prevention, the Commission also has a mandate for public education and promoting standards and practices of integrity, ethics, and anti-corruption.

Mr Mbarak planting a commemorative tree on KSG grounds before the MOU signing ceremony

The establishment of the National Integrity Academy by the EACC stems from the Commission’s mandate. The Academy provides specialized ethics, integrity, leadership, good governance, and anti-corruption training to both the public and private sector institutions in the country and the region.

Its goal is to entrench a culture of integrity and create an ethical and value-driven society that upholds integrity and the rule of law by influencing Kenyan and regional citizens’ mindsets, attitudes, and behavior.

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