Help combat graft, EACC urges County Prevention Committee members

16:05:2026: County Prevention Committee members drawn from Elgeyo Marakwet and Vihiga Counties have been called upon to uphold ethics and integrity while discharging their duties. This came out during a three-day capacity building workshop for the members held in Eldoret from 14 to 16 May, 2024.
Speaking during the workshop jointly held in partnership with GIZ on Good Governance Support Programme, EACC Deputy Director – Education and Public Awareness, Dr. Emily Mworia said that the training will strengthen and augment corruption prevention efforts in the respective County Assemblies and County Public Service Boards.

Dr Mworia noted that collaboration between the Commission and County governments in corruption prevention has continued to solidify.
“The Commission,” she said, “has conducted Corruption Risk Assessment (CRA) in 26 County Executives and 24 County Assemblies. The CRAs were aimed at looking into the systems, policies, procedures and practices of County Executives and Assemblies to identify corruption loopholes and risks and provide appropriate mitigation measures to eliminate identified loopholes and risks.”
In a rallying call to the participants, the Deputy Director said, “I wish to invite you to be agents of positive transformation in promotion of ethics and integrity in the discharge of your duties. Abide and adhere to the various laws, regulations, policies and guidelines that define your obligations. I encourage you to embrace and uphold national values of integrity, patriotism and uphold human dignity as enshrined in our Constitution.”
EACC’S North Rift, Regional Manager, Mr Charles Rasugu in his remarks said that the Commission remained available to work with counties to build an ethics infrastructure, relevant governance instruments and policies for detecting and preventing corruption and unethical conduct.
Hon. Christopher Omulele, Speaker, County Assembly of Vihiga thanked the Commission for collaborating with counties in fighting corruption because it made Kenya a better country for all through transparent governance.
Elgeyo Marakwet’s Assembly Clerk Ms Jane Mutai called upon the Commission to enhance capacity building opportunities to more county staff as a strategy to help address corruption collectively.