Ibrae Doko Yatani to wait longer to access his seized millions

Ibrae Doko Yatani to wait longer to access his seized millions

26:08:2024: The High Court has dismissed Ibrae Doko Yatani’s application to lift preservation orders to EACC for $460,000 (Kes59,284,000 at current exchange rate) seized in his residence during a search on April 24, 2024.

The money was seized in the ongoing investigations targeting the former Governor of Marsabit County, Mr Ukur Yatani. Mr Yatani, an uncle to Ibrae Doko Yatani, is also a former Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury who served in the last years of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s regime. EACC officials raided his homes both in Marsabit and Nairobi in April and in the process, stumbled on and seized the 4,600 pieces of USD in 100 denominations.  

On May 6, 2024, EACC obtained orders, ex parte, from the High Court to preserve the money pending the conclusion of investigations. EACC argued that the money could be proceeds of corruption, unexplained wealth, or money laundering.

Mr Doko Yatani, under a certificate of urgency, applied to the High Court on May 19, 2024, to have the preservation orders dismissed. Through his lawyers, he argued that he is a contractor trading through M/S Al Habib Enterprises Ltd and a well-established businessman. That he had complied with all laws and regulations relating to his business operations. He had previously contracted with Kenya National Highways Authority, World Vision Kenya, and Northern Waterworks Development Authority, among other entities, between 2015 and 2023 and could prove the source of the seized money and what it was meant for.

Justice P. J. Otieno, however, in a virtual Court this afternoon, found the application in ACECA Misc. Application No. E014 of 2024; EACC -vs. Ibrae Doko Yatani lacking in merit and failing to meet the statutory threshold. He dismissed it with costs.

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