KLIF launches its strategic plan

28:02:2025: The Kenya Leadership Integrity Forum (KLIF) has launched its strategic plan for 2023 – 2028.
KLIF is a partnership and governance initiative to fight corruption in the public and private sectors in a unified and integrated manner. Its secretariat is domiciled within the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.
Dubbed the Kenya Integrity Plan (KIP) and unveiled yesterday at the Kenya International Conference Centre (KICC), it was initiated in 2023, and despite its late launch, the stakeholders have already been implementing it.
KIP is founded on four strategic objectives, underscoring a commitment to helping the nation achieve its developmental goals.

They include enhancing KLIF’s capacity, strengthening the policy, legal, and institutional framework for fighting corruption, and promoting ethics and integrity in the public and private sectors and society.
Speaking at the event, the Attorney General, Hon. Dorcas Oduor, and the Chief Guest called the launch a significant national occasion.
“This is a momentous occasion, not only for the institutions represented here but for the entire nation, as we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to integrity, transparency, and accountability in all facets of public and private life,” said Hon. Oduor, who is also the Chairperson of the National Coordinating Committee (NCC) of KLIF.
The Attorney General said integrity is the cornerstone of a thriving democracy and a key pillar of sustainable development. A nation that upholds the principles of good governance, honesty, and ethical leadership, she said, ensures the prosperity of its people.
The Integrity Plan, she said, is a call to action. “It serves as a comprehensive framework that emphasizes prevention, detection, enforcement, and civic engagement in promoting integrity and ethics.”
Dr. David Oginde, the Chairperson of EACC and the Alternate Chairperson of KLIF’s NCC, noted that KLIF’s goal is to have an enlightened community on ethics and improved institutional and personal integrity, which will be necessary to realize the Government’s Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda.

For his part, the Commission’s CEO, Mr. Abdi A. Mohamud, said the Kenya Integrity Plan is a product of a consultative and engaging process between partner agencies and other stakeholders. The plan’s overarching objective, he said, is to establish a more structured and coordinated framework for implementing programmes aimed at mainstreaming integrity in both the public and private sectors.
The event was attended by representatives of KLIF’s stakeholders, including the National Youth Council, Transparency International – Kenya, Association of Professional Societies in East Africa (APSEA), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), Public Service Commission, Auditor General, and the Judiciary.