National Integrity Academy to scale up graft war

National Integrity Academy to scale up graft war

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has launched a National Integrity Academy (NIAca) through which it hopes to entrench good governance with specialized training on ethics and anti-corruption.

Among other things, the Academy aims to reduce corruption and unethical conduct, improve institutional governance for transparency and accountability; enhance efficiency in service delivery in the public and private sector; and create as well as maintain partnerships in the fight against corruption and unethical conduct.

Its key objectives are to:

i) Promote a culture of integrity in the public and private sector;
ii) Equip participants with the right skills, attitudes and knowledge to effectively combat corruption;
iii) Build technical capacity of anti-corruption personnel by preparing them for the complex, dynamic and contemporary challenges;
iv) Forge partnerships, networks and coalitions with enforcement agencies, training institutions, international bodies and other sectors;
v) Promote evidence based anti-corruption training and education interventions; and
vi) Promote the adoption of best practices in the fields of governance, leadership, integrity and anti-corruption.


Invited guests pose for a group photo at KICD after the launch of integrity academy

Speaking at the launch, EACCs Chief Executive Officer Halakhe Waqo welcomed the establishment of the Academy as a concrete milestone in the anti-corruption war since its meant to bolster the education mandate of the Commission. He was optimistic that it would create an ethical and value-driven society that upholds integrity and rule of law.

EACCs Chief Executive Officer Halakhe Waqo giving his remarks at the launch of NIAca

The Commissions Chair, retired Archbishop Eliud Wabukala, expressed his commitment to building and nurturing a sustainable culture of integrity and corruption intolerance in the country, and challenged leaders to lead the fight against graft.

Leadership is central to an effective war against corruption and unethical conduct, said the Chair.We cannot have an ethical society when leaders and older members of the society are not setting the appropriate ethical tone for the rest of us he added.

Commissions Chair, retired Archbishop Eliud Wabukala giving his speech at the launch

The launch was presided over by the Principal Secretary, Department of Post Training and Skills Development in the Ministry of Education, Mr. Alfred Cheriyoit.

Principal Secretary, Department of Post Training and Skills Development in the Ministry of Education, Mr. Alfred Cheriyoit at the launch of NIAca

Some of the Academys offerings include:

i) Leadership and Integrity Course for Executives;
ii) Certified Ethics Officers Course;
iii) Integrity Officers Assurance Course;
iv) Corruption Prevention in Supply Chain Management Course;
v) Corruption Prevention in Public Sector Financial Management Course; and
vi) Ethics and Integrity Course for Education Managers.

Principal Secretary, Department of Post Training and Skills Development in the Ministry of Education, Mr. Alfred Cheriyoit officially launches NIAca in the company of EACC Commissioners and the Secretariat at NACECE resource centre KICD Nairobi


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