Rongo University students initiate anti-corruption programmes

04:04:2024: Rongo University students have broken with tradition and initiated anti-corruption billboard installation in the university.
Members of the University’s Integrity Club produced two billboards on anti-corruption and, through their Vice Chancellor, Prof. Samuel Gudu invited the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission for the inaugural installation on 22nd March 2024.
Ordinarily, and for a long time, the establishment of anti-corruption programmes in public institutions has been championed by chief executives. Mounting of anti-corruption billboards and signage, for instance, is an idea that has generally been mooted by institutions’ management.
The billboards aimed at rebuking occurrence of bribery, which is the most common form of corruption in Kenya. The students are, however, determined to narrow down to bill-boards of academic-related corruption such as cheating in examinations and missing of lessons by students, among other moral deficits.
The inaugural installation was presided over by EACC’s Senior Education Officer, Mr John Agar together with the University’s Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Finance and Planning, Prof. Daniel Tarus, the Integrity Club Patron, Prof. Wilson A. P. Otengah and the Integrity Club Chairperson, Ms. Kazira Kimberly.
Public institutions are mandated and obliged to domesticate the fight against corruption by among others, setting up robust internal corruption prevention initiatives and programmes. Even with the introduction of County Governments, all devolved functions are expected to embrace anti-corruption as their watchword and lifestyle.