The Multi-Agency Team Partners With NIAca For Executive Training Course

The Multi-Agency Team Partners With NIAca For Executive Training Course

The National Integrity Academy (NIaca) rolled out a week long course on Leadership, Integrity and Anti-Corruption for Executives in Naivasha. NIAca which is the training arm of the Commission has been instrumental in capacity building of  various government institutions including the County Governments. This time, the training targeted executives from the Multi-Agency Team that include officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, The Judiciary, Office of Director of Public Prosecutions and the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.

The course had topics from various subjects with distinguished speakers ranging from:

  • Beyond Intelligence, the simple practice of staying relevant by Dr. Wale Akinyemi
  • Effective Anti-Corruption Strategies by Mr. Jackson Mue
  • Comparative Approaches in the fight against corruption by Dr. Edward Hosea
  • Scrutiny of Kenya’s Anti-Corruption Framework by Prof. PLO Lumumba
  • Emerging Jurisprudence in the fight against corruption by Hon. Douglas Ogoti
  • The DCI approach to investigations by Mr. Carey Nyawinda
  • Building a culture of Integrity by Ambassador Dr. Francis Muthaura
  • Managing transitions in Anti-Corruption agencies by Hon. Justice Aaron Ringera
  • Communicating organizational vision and purpose by Mr. Cosmas Gatere

Ms. Muthoni Kimani, Deputy Solicitor General, officially opened the training representing the Attorney General and in her remarks, she urged the participants to be the gatekeepers of national ethics and integrity since they are drawn from various law enforcement agencies. She further asked the participants to tap in the knowledge impacted by the distinguished speakers facilitating the various subjects.

The EACC Secretary/CEO Mr. Twalib Mbarak in his remarks said that the training was vital for managers since they require special skills to enhance their capability so that they inspire and encourage their teams to accomplish institutional goals beyond their expectations. He emphasized that the training should be aimed at providing them with various innovative ways to manage and develop people, handle social issues, undertake self-effective management and discover new strategies to strengthen their leadership acumen.

In attendance was also EACC commissioners Ms. Rose Mghoi Macharia and Dr. Dabar Abdi Maalim.

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