Two Bungoma County police officers to be arraigned tomorrow on bribery charges
30:01:2024: EACC has today, Tuesday 30th January 2024 arrested two police officers in Kanduyi, Bungoma County for bribery.
Police Constables (PC) Charles Ogola and Vincent Orwa were apprehended for requesting for a benefit of Kes4, 000 so as to release a motor cycle they had impounded and detained at Kanduyi Police Patrol Base.
Commission detectives investigated the bribery allegations after a report was made by a complainant against three police officers on 30th November. It was confirmed that indeed the two officers named above and their colleague, PC Onesmus Kiprop, demanded for a bribe from the plaintiff with intent to release the motor cycle No. KMFJ 355C.
The suspects, who are currently being processed at EACC Bungoma Regional Office, will be held in custody at Bungoma Police Station until tomorrow, Wednesday, 31st January 2024 when they will be arraigned.
In the meantime, the Commission has directed the third suspect, PC Kiprop, to present himself forthwith to EACC Bungoma Regional Office for processing.